Giving Back

lunch bunch volunteers
Taking a hands-on approach to relieving hunger, several members of our church volunteer to pack and distribute lunches with the Highland Summer L.U.N.C.H. Bunch.

As an American Baptist (ABC-USA) congregation, Christian service is at the very core of our religious identity.  Whether home or abroad, we recognize the mission of the church extends well beyond the reach of our congregation.  That’s why we have committed no less than 10% of our annual budget to supporting various humanitarian and service projects.

Every fall we fill a “boatload” of food & paper products for our local food pantry!  And our community garden annually produces more than 1,500 pounds of fresh produce for local families!

Additionally, we’re excited to join with other ABC-USA congregations in the collection of four special offerings each year:

  • America For Christ (March) – Used to support the work of service projects and outreach efforts in the United States and its territories.
  • One Great Hour of Sharing (June) – An ecumenical offering (partnership includes several Protestant denominations) to provide international disaster relief and refugee assistance.
  • The World Mission Offering (September-October) – Provides for the personal needs of our global servants (international missionaries).
  • Retired Ministers and Missionaries Offering (December) – Raises funds to help supplement the disability & retirement income our denomination’s clergy and global servants.

Part of our efforts include preparing church leaders of tomorrow.  We’re proud to support…

Beyond our denomination’s missions and ministries, we’re happy to support missionaries Gail Leroy and the Ardenza Family, Military Bible Sticks (providing mp3 bibles to deployed US Military personnel), and various other local and regional efforts.