Fifth Sunday after Pentecost (June 27, 2021)

While Pastor Rob was away at a workshop in Ohio, we welcomed Rev. Marc Kirchoff as our guest preacher.  Rev. Kirchoff is a donor adviser for International Ministries.

We’re also including a recent video update from International Ministries Global Servants Jon & Amanda Good in Hungary!

A recent video update from Jon & Amanda Good, Global Servants to Hungary
Guest preacher: Rev. Marc Kirchoff
Full-length video of worship service

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost (June 20, 2021)

Authentic Leadership – David’s discarding Saul’s armor and standing before Goliath inspires us to be our authentic selves and act courageously. (1 Samuel 17:1-49)

We also honor our fathers on this Father’s Day.

Mission Moment Video
Pastor Rob’s Sermon
Full-length video of today’s worship service

Sixth Sunday of Easter (May 9, 2021)

The Joy of Love – As a psalmist sings mightily and joyfully in celebration of the enacted love of God, we consider ways we might weave exuberant expressions of praise with the command to love as Jesus loves. (John 15:9-17)

Also in this service, our Women’s ministry dedicates dresses, birthing kits and blankets to be deployed into the mission field. And the puppets/children’s time pay special tribute to their mothers.

Click here for today’s Scripture lessons.

Pastor Rob’s Message
Full-length video of today’s service

Fifth Sunday of Easter (May 2, 2021)

Click here for today’s scripture readings

Beloved, Be Loved, Be Love – As we move through the Easter season, we bring our questions, “How should we live as Christians?” “How do we share the Good News?” “What is new life?”  And we discover the answer is rooted in love. (John 15:1-8)

Pastor Rob’s Sermon
Full-length video of today’s service

Second Sunday of Easter (April 11, 2021)

Seen, Heard, and Known – We pay close attention to Thomas who, having not seen, heard, nor believed what the other disciples encountered on that first Easter evening, moves from an absent to a joyful participant in the Easter story! (John 20:19-31)

Pastor Rob’s Sermon
Full-length video of today’s service