January 23, 2022

Spirited Voice – Anointed by the Spirit, Jesus brings the good new of God – release, recovery, setting free. The Spirit empowers us with boldness and trust to practice God’s good ways! (Luke 4:14-21)

January 16, 2022

Abundant Love – As God’s people, we live with an abundant spirit that stands in contrast to many of the world’s realities. And we imagine hope and possibility where there is none. (John 2:1-11)

January 9, 2022 (Baptism of our Lord)

Beloved – As we begin the Season after the Epiphany, we rejoice that God’s word continues to hold promise and power in our lives, calling each of us by name through living waters. (Luke 3:15-17, 21-22)

Epiphany (January 2, 2021)

Pilgrims on the Road – We hear a story of the Magi’s pilgrimage to see the Christ child. And we consider similarities between their journey and our own. (Matthew 2:1-12)

First Sunday after Christmas (December 26, 2021)

Finding Joy – During this Christmas season, we are invited to praise God and rest in the joy of God’s presence in the birth of Emmanuel, God with us.

Pastor’s Message
Full-length video of the worship service

Nativity of the Lord (December 24, 2021)

A simple service of lessons & carols guides us to a spirit of solemn awe as we celebrate the Nativity of the Lord.

Christmas Eve Worship Service

Fourth Sunday of Advent (December 19, 2021)

Nurturing God’s Promise – Mary and Elizabeth’s prophetic voices invite us to rejoice in the surprising joy and justice of God’s reign, and to bear this news to the world. (Luke 1:39-55)

Pastor’s Message
Full-length video of the worship service

Third Sunday of Advent (December 12, 2021)

What Should We Do? – John brings good news that asks us to change our ways, turn toward God, and prepare the way for the Messiah. (Luke 3:7-18)

Also at this service, our children’s puppet ministry presents a special Christmas program!

Full-length video of the worship service.

Second Sunday of Advent (December 5, 2021)

Messengers of Challenge – We listen as Zechariah finds his voice in a song of praise and prophecy as he blesses his son, John; a promise that cascades into promises of hope for all. (Luke 1:68-79)

Pastor’s Message
Full worship service

First Sunday of Advent (November 28, 2021)

Hopeful Waiting, Active Trust – With Jeremiah’s promise of a “righteous branch,” and with our eyes focused on God’s reign breaking forth in the world, we begin Advent in anticipation and hope. (Jeremiah 33:14-16)

Pastor’s Message
Full-length video of today’s worship service