Worship on demand – July 3, 2022

Peace – Pastor Rob presents a summer sermon series on the Fruit of the Spirit – virtues for Christian living as taught by the Apostle Paul (Galatians 5:22-23).  Each week we examine a different “fruit,” discerning how God calls us to adapt our lives to this Christian way of living.

Preacher: Rev. Rob Kirbach

Worship on demand – June 26, 2022

Joy – Pastor Rob presents a summer sermon series on the Fruit of the Spirit – virtues for Christian living as taught by the Apostle Paul (Galatians 5:22-23).  Each week we examine a different “fruit,” discerning how God calls us to adapt our lives to this Christian way of living.

Preacher: Rev. Rob Kirbach

Worship on Demand – June 12, 2022

Members of our church’s Men’s Ministry (American Baptist Men, or ABMen) lead this special mission-focused worship service, highlighting the missions and ministries of this congregation’s Men’s group!

Making Our Lives Count for God

Sunday’s Guest Preacher: Rev. Wally Holt, Coordinator of the Great Rivers Region’s Church Revitalization Initiative.

Together in Ministry

Together in Ministry – The theme of witness continues as we join the welcoming women by the river of life and see God’s new ways spreading to the ends of the earth. (Acts 16:9-15)

Preacher: Rev. Rob Kirbach


Boundary Breaking – Peter’s experience on the rooftop reminds us of our call to go beyond human-set boundaries, challenges us to question the walls we build, and invites us to build bridges. (Acts 11:1-18)

Preacher: Rev. Rob Kirbach

Life-Giving Acts

Life-Giving Acts – Comforted by the image of the shepherd who protects, defends, leads, and feeds… and the example of Tabitha’s loving service and kindness… we consider how everyday acts of love, compassion, and kindness have the power to lift people to life. (Acts 9:36-43)

Preacher: Rev. Rob Kirbach

Worship on demand – May 1, 2022

Going Global – In the story of Saul’s transformation and renewed vision, we open our eyes to new ways we might be part of an ever-expanding community of faith and witness. (Acts 9:1-20)

Preacher: Rev. Rob Kirbach

Worship Service – April 24, 2022

On this first Sunday after the Resurrection, we welcome a guest preacher as Pastor Rob visits our Global Servants (missionaries) and refugee camps near Ukraine.

Guest Preacher: Rev. Paul Militzer, Executive Director of the Community Hope Center located in Cottage Hills, IL