Women’s Ministry

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ABWomen is a national ministry of the American Baptist Churches USA, which strives to empower women and girls to become Christ’s representatives, both at home and abroad.  All women and girls in the church who care about one another and about spreading Christ’s message throughout the globe are automatically members of ABWomen!

We Serve Christ through Prayer, Doing, and Giving!

Getting Involved is EASY!ABW prayer breakfast

Come join us any time!

ABW meetingWe meet in the church’s Fellowship Hall at 7:00 pm on the first Thursday of each month (September – December & February – June).  The February and March meetings are designated “White Cross Workshops” where we make bandages, lap quilts, and other items to be deployed in the mission field.  At other meetings we make plans for special collections and fundraisers to support our missions work, as well as for social gatherings and parties – particularly for Christmas and Mother’s Day – to allow us to get to know one another better in a relaxed setting.